My Inner Geek

I want to explain why I haven’t been so blogalicious the last few days, and out myself in the process. It’s because Marc got me this for our 18th anniversary. Lest you feel upset with him, or accuse him of being unromantic, I should tell you, it’s exactly what I asked for. Because I LOVE the Nancy Drew video games, that’s why! They are so fun. My friend Jackie turned me onto them once she realized I might have an inner geek when we were talking about books we like and I mentioned “Ogre Ogre.”

Paige and Jan, two of my best friends who have known me for a gazillion or twelve years, both expressed surprise at my video gaming problem obsession hobby. And I don’t know why. I’ve totally been a geek my whole life. See exhibits below:

1. Love of all Star Trek, true love, going to marry Mr. Spock and break through that cool exterior.

2. Addiction to Voltron cartoons (I’m over that now) My current cartoon loves are Spongebob and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

3. Normal women are able to buy subtle and tasteful quilting cottons, but I always come home with something with glitter and faeries.

4. I DO believe in Faeries.

5. When I’m doing dishes I sing, “Chip the glasses and crack the plates…That what Bilbo Baggins hates! So carefully, carefully with the plates!”

6. I am now an official recruit of the Dharma Initiative. WHOOT!

7. I understand I can’t display them, because that would be tacky (Heaven Forbid) but I always stop to look at the crystal and pewter dragons. Because dragons are cool.

8. When my parents wanted to join the LDS church, the missionaries had to help me get over worshiping Aslan. Seriously, major childhood obsession that I’ve never grown out of. And “The Dark is Rising“.

9. Muppets! I make my family watch “The Muppet Christmas Carol” every year. Because I throw the fish away, and it comes back to me!

10. The Scooby Gang! I’ve taken much flack in my life for the love of Buffy. (Yes I did watch a show on the dancing frog channel, so what?)

I could go on, but I believe ten examples is enough to out me. Now that I’m married, it’s all good. When I was a teenager said interests combined with a drilled in compulsion to be nice (thank you parental units) resulted in me being a major male geek magnet. Say what you want about Marc, he doesn’t have sweaty hands and smell like Irish Spring!

So now you know, underneath a veneer of tasteful existence lies my geek. Oh, and here is where my love of art and fantasy happily collide. Enjoy!

The Responsible Woman

The Responsible Woman

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Mom said,

    Is “The Responsible Woman” the piece I gave you? Or is it just by the same artist? I remember when you took me to see his work at, I think, the BYU art museum. I love the detail and complexity of it! And I love the detail and complexity of you even more. You are just such a yummy little geek…

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