New York, New York

Um, wow. So, a whole lot has happened in the last few days. The big news is, we’re moving to California. But I don’t want to miss the small stuff either so before I divulge details check out this:

Ellie lost her first tooth the night before we left for New York. The tooth faerie left two bucks! This prompted much vigorous tooth brushing on her part in the hopes that another tooth would be lost.

And then Maddie, Katie and I left for New York. We went with our friends Jenee, who treated us to the fabulous hotel, and also Lori and Emily. Emily is Maddie’s age, and Lori is her mom.

Here we are in the hotel lobby right after we checked in. The girls were chomping at the bit to get out onto the streets and do some shopping.

Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center

The three story H&M was a big hit, as were Banana Republic and Anthropologie. It turns out the chick-a-dees weren’t as interested in visiting museums and galleries as I am. Okay, they weren’t interested at all and completely over road my suggestions with subtle slouching and rolling of the eyes. Oh well, another time perhaps. They were interested in the vast numbers of European school boys who were visiting, especially the ones staying in our hotel!

Chowing down in the Concierge lounge.  Good Sandwiches!

Chowing down in the Concierge lounge. Good Sandwiches!

Henry Moore at the Botanical Gardens

Henry Moore at the Botanical Gardens

We did see some of Henry Moore’s installations at the Botanical Gardens but they weren’t our favorites.

One of the coolest things we did was to see “Legally Blonde” on Broadway! It was so so great to do this with my girls. I love them so much and am so lucky to be their mom. And afterwards we got New York Cheesecake!

So I’m leaving out shopping on Canal Street, riding the subway, visiting ground zero, walking through Sax Fifth Avenue, FAO Schwartz, and the Apple Store.  What a trip!

More about the new jobbie tomorrow k?  I’m bushed!

4 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    katrina said,

    Sad, but exicted to hear details……..

  2. 2

    AdreAnn said,

    Tell me more, tell me more is this in the Bay Area? Sooooooo happy for your family.

  3. 3

    Nick said,

    WOW!! Sounds like an AMAZING trip. I am hoping to be able to take such a trip with my daughter when she is MUCH older…although the clothes conversations have already begun…ugh!

  4. 4

    Mandy said,

    So much fun! I’ve always wanted to do a girls trip to NYC but have never had the chance. Just so you know I am happy that you are moving to the promised land of CA, but so sad that you will no longer be in our ward!!

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